Long Term Goals

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Something New

Work has been more stressful lately and I have allowed myself to use that as an excuse to not do what I am supposed to be doing.  I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost anything either.

So, I decided to give Weight Watchers a try.  I'm not sure what makes me think I will do better at that than I do at My Fitness Pal or with my Fitbit.  But I want to try.

Today was a VERY successful day. 

Nutrition - I tracked my food and counted my points.  My goal was to use only my daily allotted points and not dig into my weekly extra or activity points.  I was close.  I went one over, but that isn't so bad. 

Activity - I was back on my C25K program.  I tried the last couple of days, but I was unable to work out at lunch and I just wasn't very successful at running after work.  I walked instead which was the best compromise I could find.  But today I was back at it at lunch and I attempted 5 minute intervals.

I got through my first three 5 minute intervals, but when I got to the fourth, I couldn't do the whole thing without slowing down.  So, I broke them up into 2.5, 2 & 1 minute intervals.  But I kept up the pace for all of the runs.  I'm going to give it another attempt tomorrow and see if I can stretch it out more. 

Water - I drank at least 8 cups today.

I think my hunger was at a very acceptable level.  I just have to keep myself accountable.  I'm unhappy with myself physically and the only person that can do a thing about that is me.